Local AD Spaces

Advertise Locally NOW!

Local Advertising can be hard.
As a local business, where do you go to find your customers?

Let us help!

Bulletin boards have been around for hundreds of years, and we still use them today.
We will:
  • design an ad for you
  • print it out
  • distribute it to locations in your neighborhood
  • JUST $1/location.
  • no searching, no walking, no hassle.
We'll even take a picture of each location, so you can rest assured that your customers are seeing your offer.

Posted to 10 nearby places

  • design the add
  • print it out
  • post to 10 nearby places once per week
  • limited time offer
Buy now at only $40/month

Posted to 20 nearby places

  • design the add
  • print it out
  • post to 20 nearby places once per week
  • limited time offer
Buy now at only $80/month

Posted to 30 nearby places

  • design the add
  • print it out
  • post to 30 nearby places once per week
  • limited time offer
Buy now at only $120/month

Posted to 50 nearby places

  • design the add
  • print it out
  • post to 50 nearby places once per week
  • limited time offer
Buy now at only $200/month

For any questions please email us at info@localadspaces.com or give us a call at (877) 881-9146.

© 2012 localadspaces.com
Thank you for your order!
Your transaction has been completed and you will be contacted by our team shortly.

Personal Information:

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Street Address:

Payment Information:

Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number
Credit Card Expiration Date: /
number located on the back of your card.

Advertise Locally